What is Investment Casting?

What is Investment Casting?

Investment casting, also known as lost-wax casting, is a manufacturing process used to create detailed and precise metal parts. This process involves making a wax model of the part, coating it with a ceramic shell, and then melting the wax away, leaving a mold into which molten metal is poured. Once the metal solidifies, the ceramic shell is broken off, and the metal casting is revealed.

One critical aspect of investment casting is cleaning the final cast part to remove any remaining ceramic shell, scale, and other debris that may have accumulated during the casting process. High-pressure cleaning systems and pumps are frequently used to clean investment castings due to their ability to efficiently remove residues without damaging the intricate details of the casting.

How High-Pressure Pumps Help Clean Investment Castings

High-pressure pumps play a vital role in the cleaning of investment castings, offering a non-abrasive and efficient method to clean delicate, complex metal parts. Here’s how the process works and why it is important:

1. Removing Ceramic Shells:

  • After the casting process, the metal part is surrounded by a hardened ceramic shell, which must be removed to reveal the casting inside. High-pressure water jets, generated by high-pressure pumps, are used to dislodge and remove the ceramic shell from the casting surface.
  • The high-pressure water jet (ranging from 3000 psi to 20,000 psi) is directed at the ceramic shell, breaking it apart and washing it away without damaging the metal surface beneath. This is particularly important for complex and intricate designs that cannot be cleaned effectively with mechanical or abrasive methods.

2. Non-Abrasive Cleaning:

  • Investment cast parts often have intricate details and delicate structures that can be easily damaged by traditional mechanical cleaning methods, such as brushing or blasting with abrasives.
  • High-pressure water jet cleaning is a non-abrasive method, meaning it removes the ceramic shell and other residues without scratching or affecting the surface finish of the casting. This helps maintain the part’s dimensional accuracy and surface quality, which is essential for components that require tight tolerances, such as those used in aerospace, automotive, and medical industries.

3. Efficient Removal of Surface Scale and Oxides:

  • During the investment casting process, metal parts can develop scale, oxides, and slag, which need to be removed to improve the casting’s appearance and surface quality. High-pressure water jets efficiently remove these surface impurities, leaving behind a clean, smooth surface ready for further finishing or inspection.
  • By removing these impurities, high-pressure cleaning also helps prevent further corrosion or oxidation, ensuring the longevity and performance of the part.

4. Precision Cleaning for Complex Geometries:

  • Many investment castings feature intricate geometries, such as internal cavities, undercuts, and thin-walled sections. Traditional cleaning methods might struggle to reach these areas, leaving behind residues that can compromise the functionality of the part.
  • High-pressure pumps, combined with specialized nozzles, allow operators to clean hard-to-reach areas effectively. The high-pressure water penetrates into the smallest crevices and cavities, ensuring that the entire surface of the casting is thoroughly cleaned.

5. Customizable Pressure Settings:

  • High-pressure cleaning systems can be adjusted to provide the appropriate pressure for the type of casting and material being cleaned. For more delicate parts, lower pressure settings can be used, while higher pressures are suitable for removing tougher residues, such as thick ceramic shells or stubborn surface deposits.
  • This customization ensures that the casting is cleaned effectively without risking damage to the part’s surface or structure.

6. Faster and More Efficient Cleaning:

  • High-pressure cleaning is a fast and efficient process compared to manual cleaning methods like chiseling or grinding. The powerful water jets break down and remove ceramic shells and residues quickly, reducing the time needed for post-casting cleaning.
  • By minimizing cleaning time, high-pressure systems help speed up the overall casting process, allowing manufacturers to increase throughput and productivity.

7. Reduced Labor and Costs:

  • Manual cleaning methods are often labor-intensive, requiring workers to manually chip away ceramic shells or grind off scale and oxides. High-pressure cleaning systems significantly reduce the need for manual labor, resulting in lower labor costs and faster production times.
  • The automated nature of high-pressure cleaning also reduces the risk of human error, which can result in damage to the part or incomplete cleaning.

8. Eco-Friendly Solution:

  • High-pressure cleaning uses water as the primary cleaning medium, which is a non-toxic and environmentally friendly alternative to chemical cleaning methods. It avoids the use of harsh chemicals that could damage the casting, pose risks to workers, or require special disposal procedures.
  • Since high-pressure water jetting produces no hazardous waste, it’s a sustainable cleaning option for the investment casting industry.

Steps Involved in High-Pressure Cleaning of Investment Castings:

  1. Preparation: The casting is inspected to ensure it has solidified properly. Any large pieces of the ceramic shell are removed manually if necessary.
  2. High-Pressure Cleaning Setup: The casting is placed in a designated cleaning area, and the high-pressure pump system is set up with the appropriate pressure and nozzle type based on the material and complexity of the casting.
  3. Water Jetting: A high-pressure water jet is directed at the casting, systematically cleaning off the ceramic shell, scale, and other residues. Special attention is given to intricate areas and internal cavities.
  4. Inspection and Finishing: After cleaning, the casting is inspected to ensure all debris and residues are removed. If needed, further finishing processes, such as polishing or coating, can be applied.

Applications of High-Pressure Cleaning in Investment Casting:

  • Aerospace Industry: Investment castings are used to produce precision parts like turbine blades and engine components, which require detailed cleaning without compromising their dimensional accuracy.
  • Automotive Industry: Investment castings are often used to create intricate parts such as engine components, transmission housings, and suspension systems. High-pressure cleaning ensures these parts are free of residues and ready for assembly.
  • Medical Industry: In the medical field, investment casting is used to create precise surgical tools and implant components. High-pressure cleaning ensures that these parts are thoroughly cleaned and free from contamination.
  • Jewelry and Art: Investment casting is also widely used in the production of intricate jewelry and art pieces. High-pressure cleaning preserves the fine details of these creations by removing the ceramic shell without damaging the delicate features.


High-pressure cleaning systems and pumps provide an efficient, non-abrasive, and environmentally friendly method for cleaning investment castings. By using powerful water jets to remove ceramic shells, scale, and other residues, high-pressure pumps help maintain the dimensional accuracy and surface quality of the castings. This cleaning method is especially beneficial for complex geometries and intricate designs that require careful handling. With adjustable pressure settings and the ability to reach difficult areas, high-pressure cleaning ensures that investment castings are clean, precise, and ready for further processing in industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and more.

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